The Complete Guide to GEM Electric Vehicle Error Codes

Table of contents
  1. Why Learn About GEM Error Codes?
  2. Key Causes of GEM Error Codes
  3. Critical GEM Error Codes and Solutions
  4. Why does my GEM display code 05 and not power on?
  5. What should I do if my GEM shows code 14?
  6. My GEM is displaying code 42, what does this mean?
  7. What's the cause when my GEM has error 46?
  8. Why does my GEM show code 51 and have low power?
  9. My GEM displays code 82, what's wrong?
  10. Other Common GEM Error Code Solutions
  11. Best Practices for GEM Error Code Diagnosis
  12. Conclusion

GEM electric vehicles are becoming increasingly popular for environmentally friendly transportation. However, like any vehicle, they can develop issues. This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of GEM error codes to help you quickly diagnose and resolve problems.

GEM error codes are cryptic numbers and letters that indicate a specific issue in the vehicle's electrical or mechanical systems. Understanding what these codes mean is crucial for GEM owners to maintain and repair their vehicles. We'll explore the most common GEM error codes, their causes, and solutions to get your electric ride back up and running.

Why Learn About GEM Error Codes?

  • Identify issues quickly - GEM error codes point you directly to the source of the problem.
  • Save time and money on repairs - Knowing the meaning of codes helps you fix issues yourself or be better informed for the repair shop.
  • Increase safety - Diagnosing and resolving problems prevents breakdowns and dangerous driving conditions.
  • Maximize uptime - Fast problem-solving reduces downtime so you can enjoy driving your GEM.
  • Extend vehicle lifetime - Catching issues early prevents small problems from becoming major repairs.

Key Causes of GEM Error Codes

While specific error codes indicate distinct issues, most GEM problems stem from one of these common causes:

  • Electrical faults - Damage or wear to wiring, fuses, switches, and other electrical components.GEM Electrical faults
  • Safety lockouts - Error codes triggered when operating against safety systems like being in drive with the brake on.
  • Sensor malfunctions - Issues with sensors providing faulty or out of range readings.
  • Contactor or relay failure - Problems with contactors or relays not engaging when they should.
  • Controller failure - Internal failure of the motor or other controllers.

Critical GEM Error Codes and Solutions

Below are some of the most crucial GEM error codes and how to address them:

Why does my GEM display code 05 and not power on?

Code 05 indicates the main relay is not closing properly due to an electrical fault. Carefully inspect the main relay and its fuse. Ensure the relay is engaging and holding when the key is on. Replace damaged relays or fuses.

What should I do if my GEM shows code 14?

Code 14 means the rolling radius or gear ratio is out of acceptable limits. This often requires adjusting the controller programming. Consult your service manual and reset the rolling radius value to the proper specification.

My GEM is displaying code 42, what does this mean?

Code 42 signifies high armature voltage caused by an electrical fault. Thoroughly inspect the motor controller and replace it if damaged. Properly repair any issues with the motor or wiring that could cause excessive voltage.

What's the cause when my GEM has error 46?

Error 46 indicates the motor is shorted to the frame, likely due to damaged wiring. Carefully check the motor windings and wiring for signs of shorting to the frame. Repair any damaged wires or replace the motor if faulty.

Why does my GEM show code 51 and have low power?

Code 51 means the motor controller voltage is too low. Check the controller input voltage per the service manual specifications. Charge batteries if low. Replace the controller if it's providing inadequate voltage.

My GEM displays code 82, what's wrong?

Code 82 signifies no speed sensor signal detected. Check speed sensor operation and wiring for damage. Reset the controller if needed. Replace faulty speed sensor components.

Other Common GEM Error Code Solutions

  • Code 03 (Forward Safety Lockout) - Ensure direction selector is fully in neutral.
  • Code 09 (Directional Fault) - Inspect selector switch contacts and wiring. Replace if necessary.
  • Code 15 (Low Voltage) - Fully charge batteries and inspect connections.
  • Code 23 (High Motor Current in Reverse) - Check controller, contactors, and motor wiring.
  • Code 41 (Controller Overheating) - Allow controller to cool. Inspect for dragging brakes.
  • Code 57 (Current Sensor issue) - Check and replace current sensor in controller.

Best Practices for GEM Error Code Diagnosis

  • Carefully check service manual for code meaning before starting repairs.
  • Thoroughly inspect components indicated by code (relays, wiring, sensors, etc.)
  • Consider both electrical and mechanical root causes (shorts, resistance faults, alignment issues, etc.)
  • Check for external factors like dragging brakes, under-inflated tires, overloaded vehicle.
  • Use a multimeter to measure voltages, resistances, and continuity.
  • Resolve safety lockout codes by releasing pedal, putting in neutral, etc.
  • Reset controller if codes indicate sensor issues or programming faults.
  • Replace damaged components like relays, fuses, contactors, and controllers.


Diagnosing GEM error codes quickly and accurately is critical to keeping your electric vehicle running smoothly. While codes may seem cryptic at first, they directly point to the source of most electrical and mechanical problems. Understanding the meaning behind GEM codes will save you significant time and money on repairs over the life of your vehicle. With some basic diagnostic steps and component replacements, you can resolve most GEM errors yourself and get back to emission-free driving.

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